Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.

hamlet act 3, scene 5Blog

hamlet act 3, scene 5

To ears of flesh and blood. As you are friends, scholars and soldiers. Read more about the genre of revenge tragedy in British literature. Polonius urges the queen to be harsh with Hamlet when he arrives, saying that she should chastise him for his recent behavior. Theres neer a villain dwelling in all DenmarkBut hes an arrant knave. Summary of Hamlet Act 3 Act 5. Your words are wild and meaningless, my lord. I hold it fit that we shake hands and part. Claudius had murdered his own brother, Hamlet's father King Hamlet and then taken the throne, marrying his deceased brother's widow, Hamlet's mother Gertrude.Summary:Act 5, Scene 1: Hamlet and the gravediggers . The ghost intones that it has come to remind Hamlet of his purpose, that Hamlet has not yet killed Claudius and must achieve his revenge. Struggling with distance learning? Why does Hamlet encourage the actor to recite the speech about Pyrrhus and Priam? The king wanted Hamlet to believe that they were just two old friends paying a visit, and now that Hamlet knows about their true purpose, their usefulness is lost to Claudius. Rashly And praised be rashness for it; let us know, Our indiscretion sometime serves us well When our deep plots do pall; and that should learn 10 us Theres a divinity that shapes our ends, Oh, you wicked woman! Such as it isand for my own poor part. If thou didst ever thy dear father love. Well said, old mole! Now to my word. Like most people, he loves only himself and his own ambition. WebHamlet assures Horatio that he can win. Remember you? They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. 'tis a consummation. In the First Folio, six plays open with "Actus Primus -- Scoena Prima," [but then] contain no further divisionsIn these plays, the only way we know a new scene begins is when the stage has been left empty. oneshall live; the rest shall keep as they are. The official story is that a poisonous snake bit me while I was sleeping in the orchard. Canst work i th earth so fast?A worthy pioneer! Yes, by heaven! First Gravedigger The king tries stopping her but it is already too late. I did love you once, Hamlet tells Ophelia, and she retorts that Hamlet only made her believe that he did. Hamlet recants and says Ophelias righthe never really cared for her. Hamlet and Ophelia clearly resent each other, and Hamlet uses sexist and vile language to assault Ophelias integrityeven though its possible that he was the one who stripped her of her honor. Never to speak of what youve seen. Hecate, the goddess of witches, is pretty peeved that the three witches we met in Act I have been messing with Macbeths lifemainly because she thinks theyve mucked it up. Hamlet firmly addresses his mother in her room, and at one point, she is afraid he will attack her. The word indicates that these roles were played by comic actors. Get thee to a nunnery. On their way to Elsinore, Hamlet and Horatio encounter two gravediggers. Most lazar-like, with vile and loathsome crust, Thus was I, sleeping, by a brothers hand. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. In general, "assay" means to challenge or test, but in this context it means to challenge to a game or a bit of friendly sport. Oh, everyone on earth! Now, Hamlet, listen. I hear him coming. Come over here, gentlemen, and rest your hands once more on my sword. To hear of it. that there is, Horatio. Tell me quickly about it, so that I can rush to take revenge, even faster than a person can think thoughts of love. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. From fashion of himself. Act 2, Scene 1: A room in POLONIUS' house. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. For your desire to know what is between us, Oermaster t as you may. And for your part Ophelia, I do wish That your good beauties be the happy cause Of Hamlets wildness. But the secrets of purgatory must not be told to mortals. Ill wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past. Of all their conference. Hamlet is thus a quintessentially modern person, because he has repressed desires. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Speak, Ill go no further. I was sent to death with all my sins still on my head. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Why, right, you are in the right. Did Gertrude have an affair with Claudius before he killed Hamlets father? Woodstock: The Overlook Press, 2005. Claudius orders Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to take Hamlet to England. [Music and a song inside: 'Come away, come away,]. WebAnalysis. I say, we will have no, more marriages. His self-esteem has fallen to the point that he can't see how brilliant his plan is. So it did to mine. Art thou there, truepenny?Come on, you hear this fellow in the cellarage.Consent to swear. Nay, come, lets go together. Purchasing So lust, though to a radiant angel linked. (one code per order). Im the ghost of your father, doomed for a certain time to walk the earth at night. Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their. Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearingTo what I shall unfold. When the court arrive, Hamlet makes bawdy and bitter Hamlet storms into the room and asks his mother why she has sent for him. In other words, Ophelia has used makeup to make herself a "new" face unlike the one God gave her at birth. Their relationship will be strained until the very end. But as for your desire to know what happened between us, control yourself and dont ask. And shall I couple hell? And a most instant tetter barked about, Most lazar-like, with vile and loathsome crust All my smooth body. With his evil wit and traitorous giftsoh wicked wit and gifts, that have the power to seduce!he convinced my seemingly virtuous queen to give in to his lust. Never to speak of this that you have heard. Once more remove, good friends. Scene IV That you know aught of me. Ophelia, in her madness, sings Bawdy songs. Laertes and Claudius plot to kill Hamlet. So shall I hope your virtues Will bring him to his wonted way again, She asks this not because it would be a more effective spying technique, but because she's worried about her son being too much alone. However, Claudius can't be entirely sure why and can't act until he's certain. WebAct I - Scene III. Powered by WordPress. Act 2, Scene 2: A room in the castle. Continue to start your free trial. 20% WebHAMLET I will. Hamlet by William Shakespeare - Act 4 (of 5)Act 1: http://youtu.be/p44qJ3RjpFMAct 2: http://youtu.be/laBRXJSxxxgAct 3: http://youtu.be/c5aa9bwEyUUAct 4: http://youtu.be/elAret-tlFcAct 5: http://youtu.be/3ilZn_1MPrEThe Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602. Yes, by Saint Patrick, but there is, Horatio, And much offense too. He's afraid, and that has made him look paler (and therefore sicklier). You say so, but can you promise youll keep the secret? They completely demystify Shakespeare. Yes, by heaven! Polonius calls for help from behind the curtain and Hamlet stabs him. Ay, that incestuous, that adulterate beast, With witchcraft of his wit, with traitorous gifts O wicked wit and gifts, that have the power So to seduce!won to his shameful lust The will of my most seeming-virtuous queen. If thou hast nature in thee, bear it not. Swear by my sword never to speak of what youve heard. Remember me. If you ever loved your dear father. You jig, you amble, and you lisp; and nickname God's creatures, and make your wantonness your ignorance. Hes tempted to kill Claudius right now--after all, he has proof that the king is a murdererbut he realizes So, with that, Id say that the best thing would be for us to shake hands and go our separate ways. How does your honour for this many a day? Claudius is not more determined to send him to England. Argal, he that is not guilty of his own death shortens not his own life. WebHAMLET: To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (65) Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Every teacher of literature should use these translations. Now come, lets go. Naturally, they don't want him to know that, so they omit their failure in that regard. Canst work i th earth so fast? "Fardels" means bundles, parcels, or baggage (of the literal and emotional kind). [Elsinore. Crystal, David and Ben Crystal. What else? The observed of all observers, quite, quite down! Actually, hes much more specific: he tells her not to let Claudius arouse her by fondling her neck, not to stay within his semen-infested sheets, and other shockingly graphic details. Everything is wrong these days. Hamlet may also be speaking metaphorically, saying that women make men into monsters or terrible people with their dishonest ways and their deceptive beauty. Gertrude, still shaken from Hamlets furious condemnation of her, agrees to keep his secret. Now, Hamlet, listen. Oh, all you angels of heaven! That is a lie that deceives all of Denmark. A room in the castle. . Polonius and the rest all arrange to have Hamlet and Ophelia meet, and then they will spy on them. Polonius plans to hide behind a curtain in Gertrudes room to overhear their conversation. It is Adieu, adieu. When I to sulfurous and tormenting flames, Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing, Doomed for a certain term to walk the night. Why doesnt Hamlet kill Claudius right away? Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! For students, this play is a great opportunity to explore the concepts of tragedy and family discourse as well as a range of themes including: Madness Morality Revenge The pangs of disprized love, the law's delay. KING 1 I like him not, nor stands it safe with us 2 To let his madness range. Now I must fulfill my vow. Important things must be done before noon. Want 100 or more? creating and saving your own notes as you read. Take revenge for his awful and horrible murder. But if we assume that the "sea" of troubles is actually an onslaught against which he has to defend himself, the image becomes clearer, and we can see that Hamlet is at war with himself and the world. WebAct 1, Scene 5: Another part of the platform. Im going to fly away now. Instant PDF downloads. If Hamlet were to die so soon after his father, it would call both of their deaths into question, so Claudius must be careful. Thats right, old mole. On his way to the ship, Hamlet meets a captain of the Norwegian army, marching to invade Poland (fighting over sth worthless for honor). Yes, you poor ghost, as long as I have any memory in my distracted head. The glass of fashion and the mould of form. In other words: we eat in life; we are eaten in death. He bids her goodnight, but, before he leaves, he points to Poloniuss corpse and declares that heaven has punished me with this, and this with me (III.iv.158). Ay, there's the rub! Realizing this, Claudius decides to take action against the prince. Wheres my notebook? What is the significance of the gravediggers? Osric invites Hamlet to the fencing match with Laertes . Remember you? In other words, he doesn't think beautiful people are necessarily good or honest people and is questioning whether Ophelia is really worth his love. Read more about incestuous desire as a motif. He is begging his heart and his body to remain intact and standing, in order to WebSCENE V. Elsinore. Get from him why he puts on this confusion. Claudius hopes that getting out of Denmark and essentially going on vacation will ease Hamlet's mind. Gertrude refuses to see the girl, but Horatio points out that Ophelia's mental state may attract undue attention to herself and the crown. Act 3, Scene 1: A room in the castle. Listen, listen, oh, listen! In this scene, the people you mention meet out on the street. Tybalt starts insulting Romeo and his friends. He calls Romeo a villain. At that, Tybalt and Mercutio start arguing. Benvolio tries to calm things down. At least Im sure it may be so in Denmark. My lord, do as you please; Let his queen mother all alone entreat him. So it did to mine. So, with that, Id say that the best thing would be for us to shake hands and go our separate ways. Ophelia, walk you here. If the man go to this water and drown himself, it is, will he nill he, he goes. LAERTES: My necessaries are embark'd. WebI don't trust him, and it's not safe for me to let him do or say whatever comes into his mad mind. What a miner you are!. As the scene progresses, Gertrude goes through several states of feeling: she is haughty and accusatory at the beginning, then afraid that Hamlet will hurt her, shocked and upset when Hamlet kills Polonius, overwhelmed by fear and panic as Hamlet accosts her, and disbelieving when Hamlet sees the ghost. Now see that noble and most sovereign reason. Listen! This soliloquy can be seen as an extension of Hamlet's closing speech from Act II, Scene 2, in which he wonders whether or not he's a coward because he isn't acting in a passionate or melodramatic way by weeping for his father and murdering the king. Therefore prepare you; 1-2. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Fare thee well at once. O day and night, but this is wondrous strange! WebHAMLET Sir, in my heart there was a kind of fighting 5 That would not let me sleep. I broke instantly into a rash that covered my smooth body with a revolting crust. He says that while Oedipus actually enacts this fantasy, Hamlet only betrays the unconscious desire to do so. Madness in great ones must not unwatch'd go. Farewell. Remember thee! Distilled with my magic, that moondrop will raise spirits that will delude Macbeth. I must speak quickly. This alleviates some of his suspicion, but not all. Or he may feel that he needs her on his side if he is to achieve justice. WebSaying that he is the spirit of Hamlets father, he demands that Hamlet avenge King Hamlets murder at the hands of Claudius. This suggests that Polonius knows that spying on Hamlet is wrong, but that he does it anyway because he wants to and because this sugaring over is second nature to him. A "bawd" is someone who trades in the sex industry, such as a pimp or a madam of a whorehouse. WebSummary and Analysis Act I: Scene 5. Will so bestow ourselves that, seeing unseen. that a father put up for his daughter to take to her husband's house upon their wedding. Disbelieving, the queen exclaims, As kill a king! and Hamlet replies that she heard him correctly (III.iv.29). In bowling, "rub" is a term and refers to anything that gets in the way or slows down the ball (by rubbing its surface the wrong way). WebAct 3, Scene 5 Hecate, the goddess of witches, is pretty peeved that the three witches we met in Act I have been messing with Macbeths lifemainly because she thinks theyve mucked it up. Please wait while we process your payment. Gentleman She speaks much of her father; says she hears And for the day confined to fast in fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature, I could a tale unfold whose lightest word. Dont let the bed of the Danish king be a nest of incest. (80) O, this is hire and salary, not revenge! That would put Polonius in a very strong position, and could also be of great benefit to his son Laertes. Hamlet, realizing that someone is behind the arras and suspecting that it might be Claudius, cries, How now! O earth! [A room in the house of Polonius.] Instant PDF downloads. HAMLET Alas, poor ghost! Claudius orders Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to take Hamlet to England. In this context, a devotional exercise, as from a religious book which Ophelia has here been instructed to read. "Our old stock" should here be understood as sin, which we all carry with us as if it's our heritage. Get away from here, and meet me at the pit of Acheron in the morning. And much offense too. Hamlet believes that virtue can't erase this weight or stock of sin, and that regardless of whether or not he intended to love Ophelia, all he really wanted was to "relish" in his sins, or have sex with her. Would heart of man once think it? The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. He killed me even as I was still gripped by sin, because I did not get to repent my sins or receive last rites. Go, farewell. Agree to swear. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. How dare you trade in riddles and fatal matters and make deals with Macbeth without consulting me or asking me to show our dark powers? Teachers and parents! More specifically, he repeatedly demands that she avoid Claudiuss bed. But as for your desire to know what happened between us, control yourself and dont ask. Free trial is available to new customers only. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." He shows her a picture of the dead king and a picture of the current king, bitterly comments on the superiority of his father to his uncle, and asks her furiously what has driven her to marry a rotten man such as Claudius. That poisonwhich is like a natural enemy of bloodspreads like quicksilver through the veins and curdles the blood. To have seen what I have seen, see what I see! We are arrant knaves, all; believe none of us. That is a lie that deceives all of Denmark. Though lewdness court it in a shape of heaven. As for me,ll go and pray. If not for them, he suggests, they would've made plans with Hamlet, but as it stands, he seemed happy enough to make plans for himself, without his "friends.". But when he does choose to act, he does so blindly, stabbing his anonymous enemy through a curtain. hath given you one face, and you make yourselves another. WebSummary: Act III, scene ii That evening, in the castle hall now doubling as a theater, Hamlet anxiously lectures the players on how to act the parts he has written for them. GHOST The hour has almost come when I must return to the torment of the flames of purgatory. So the whole ear of Denmark Is by a forgd process of my death Rankly abused. Why does Marcellus say, Something is rotten in the state of Denmark (1.4.94)? My tables!Meet it is I set it down That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain. And lose the name of action. Oh, fie! List, list, O, list! Then you must promise to avenge my death, too, when you hear what I say. If't be the affliction of his love or no, That your good beauties be the happy cause, Of Hamlet's wildness. Remember you? Love? WebSummary and Analysis Act IV: Scene 5 Summary A court gentleman reports that Ophelia has become pitiably insane. I should write down that one can smile and smile, and still be a villain. Never to speak of this that you have seen.Swear by my sword. That roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf. it hath made me mad. She characterizes him as an "observer," a student of human nature, and says that of all observers he was most observed, because his mind and person were so interesting. Where are you leading me? But this eternal blazon must not be To ears of flesh and blood. A villain kills my father; and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send To heaven. I am myself indifferent honest, but yet, I could accuse me of such things that it were better my. O earth! You, as your business and desire shall point you. WebAct 3, scene 2 Hamlet gives direction to the actors and asks Horatio to help him observe Claudiuss reaction to the play. Enter Laertes, and Ophelia, his sister. Let not the royal bed of Denmark be A couch for luxury and damnd incest. Dragging Poloniuss body behind him, Hamlet leaves his mothers room. A dowry was a gift of money, livestock, goods, etc. Oh, fie! For your desire to know what is between us. Dont I have good reason, you impudent hags? will he, nill he willy-nilly, whether he wishes or not. With these lines, Claudius implies that the harlot's makeup is just as ugly as her face because we know what's underneath, just as we know Claudius' true intentions. Swear by my sword never to speak of what youve heard. WebSummary: Act I, scene iii In Poloniuss house, Laertes prepares to leave for France. He later tells Ophelia to get thee to a nunnery.. Oh, Hamlet, she fell so far! Leave her to heaven And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge To prick and sting her. Youd have to be as slow and dull as a weed growing on the banks of Lethe not to be brought to anger by my story. Their perfume lost. From me, whose love was of that dignity That it went hand in hand even with the vow I made to her in marriage, and to decline Upon a wretch whose natural gifts were poor To those of mine. Renews March 10, 2023 Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! [From under the stage] Swear by his sword. WebHamlet, Act 4, Scene 3. And now, good friendsand you are friends, scholars, and soldiersdo me one small favor. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. In Shakespeare's time, a "nunnery" could be either a convent for nuns or a brothel for prostitutes. Act 3, Scene 2: My honour'd lord, you know right well you did, And with them words of so sweet breath compos'd. According to David Crystal and Ben Crystal, authors ofThe Shakespeare Miscellany, any scene divisions after Act 2, Scene 2 are artificial. Wheres my notebook? Hamlet thinks that beauty can more easily transform an honest person into a dishonest one than honesty can transform a beautiful person into a good one. This is another point in the play where audiences and readers have felt that there is more going on in Hamlets brain than we can quite put our fingers on. Listen, listen, oh, listen! Hamlet would prefer to send the King to hell. Both Polonius and Claudius feel that Hamlet is "lost" to himself, forgetting his manners and not behaving as a prince should. What else? So did it mine. To show his grief. Oh, everyone on earth! Dont have an account? Laertes enters, angry over his fathers death and improper burial, followed by a rebellious mob. O cursd spite, That ever I was born to set it right! on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% HAMLET, within Mother, mother, mother! The sight of the marching soldiers reminds Hamlet that, though he has much to motivate him to action, he has taken no steps towards doing so. But you can make up for it. Remember thee! While all of these are possibilities, what Hamlet actually does is urge his mother to repent choosing Claudius over his own father. During the day, Im confined in the fires of purgatory, until those flames have burned away the sins I committed in my life. He's trying to minimize the horror of death by turning it into something restful and common, framing it as a relief from the sea of troubles. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. If death isn't really what he wants, then his revenge plan could end horribly for him. We heard it all. This not to do. So the whole ear of Denmark, The serpent that did sting thy fathers life, I like your words. Crystal, David and Ben Crystal. A worthy pioneer! You go wherever your business takes yousince every man has some business to take care of, whatever it is. If thou didst ever thy dear father love, Im the ghost of your father, doomed for a certain time to walk the earth at night. mother had not borne me. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. Shakespeare often closes scenes with rhyming couplets, as he does here in the King's closing words. Or by pronouncing of some doubtful phrase, As Well, well, we know, or We could an if we would,, Or If we list to speak, or There be an if they. "Niggard" means stingy and, in this case, means that Hamlet didn't ask any questions but answered all of theirs. So, uncle, there you are. She says that he has offended his father, meaning his stepfather, Claudius. Hamlet forces Gertrude to see how bad her relationship with Claudius is compared to H. Sr. Hamlet makes her promise to not have sex anymore and leaves with Polonius body. No reckoning made, but sent to my account With all my imperfections on my head. argal therefore. The ghost uses strong language as it rails against Claudiuss lustful and obscene designs on both the throne and Gertrude, wholeheartedly confirming Claudiuss immorality. Bidding his sister, Ophelia , farewell, he cautions her against falling in love with Hamlet , Gertrude asks what Hamlet has done, and he replies, Nay, I know not: / Is it the king? (III.iv.24). more. For we have closely sent for Hamlet hither. Theres neer a villain dwelling in all Denmark, There needs no ghost, my lord, come from the grave. In her prayers. Not only does this interpretation explain her behavior throughout much of the play, it also links her thematically to Ophelia, the plays other important female character, who is also submissive and utterly dependent on men. The game takes place before which the king has arranged everything, the poisoned wine on the table. Hamlet assures them that he is okay, but asks them to promise never to tell what they saw that night. In this context, Hamlet isn't saying "to exist no more" but rather that death is just another kind of sleep, and nothing more than that. If thou hast nature in thee, bear it not. WebHere lies the water, good. Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, A serpent stung me. As made the things more rich. But keep your lips sealed, please. WebHamlet states that he himself is a sinner, like all menit would be better if he had never been born, and even suggests that the world is full of arrant knaves, all who should be But howsoever thou pursuest this act, Taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive Against thy mother aught. Hamlet pretends to take Ophelia's word that Polonius is at home, but knows that she's lying. Oh, curses! This underscores the important of revenge and honor in Hamlets society: it comes before anything else. Polonius tells Claudius of his plans to spy on Hamlets . Refine any search. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. As you know, overconfidence is mankinds worst enemy. 5. In the First Folio, six plays**open with "Actus Primus -- Scoena Prima," [but then] contain no further divisionsIn these plays, the only way we know a new scene begins is when the stage has been left empty. Woodstock: The Overlook Press, 2005. Gracious, so please you. Should I include hell too? Are you down there, my trusty fellow? By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Sayst thou so? Hamlet continues to denounce her and rail against Claudius, until, suddenly, the ghost of his father again appears before him. Oh, you wicked woman! [To HORATIO and MARCELLUS] Come over here, gentlemen, and rest your hands once more on my sword. Hamlet's melancholy appears to be weighing on him, as Ophelia noted when she said Hamlet was "quite, quite down," as in depressed. Ophelia mourns both for herself and for all of Denmark. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. Just as the ghost has demanded blind allegiance and swift action from Hamlet, so too does Hamlet demand total loyalty and secrecy from his friends. HAMLET Oh no, poor ghost! Of course, Hamlet has been doing just that, so one answer to that question is revenge. A lot of offense. Struggling with distance learning? Read on this book, Your loneliness. Horatio, there are more things in heaven and earth than you can dream of with all your scientific learning. Touching this vision here, It is an honest ghost, that let me tell you. Pray you, be round with him. O villain, villain, smiling, damnd villain! Polonius plans to hide in order to eavesdrop on Gertrudes confrontation with her son, in the hope that doing so will enable him to determine the cause of Hamlets bizarre and threatening behavior. The official story is that a poisonous snake bit me while I was sleeping in the orchard. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Thus conscience does make cowards of us all. well enough what monsters you make of them. While they are playing, Gertrude drinks the poisoned wine without any knowledge of it. He interrupts her and says that she has offended his father, meaning the dead King Hamlet, by marrying Claudius. May do, to express his love and friending to you. Remember me. WebAct III - Scene II. Where's, Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may play the. Ophelia, meanwhile, will know the spies are there and will naturally feel very self-conscious. Brief let me be. O villain, villain, smiling, damnd villain! He bids the old man farewell, calling him an intruding fool (III.iv.30). In this line, we can clearly see a mother worrying for her child. Gertrude agrees, and Polonius hides behind an arras, or tapestry. We o'erraught on the way. Now listen: just as you swore before, no matter how strangely I act (since from now on I may find it necessary to act a bit crazy), you must never, ever let onwith a gesture of your arms, or a shake of your head, or by saying something like well, well, we understand, or wed tell you if we could, or if we were allowed to speak, or anything like thatthat you know anything about what happened to me here tonight. Hamlet follows the ghost as it leads him along, but soon grows tired. If you have any natural feelings of a son for a father in you, dont let this stand.

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hamlet act 3, scene 5