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challenger autopsy photos/leonard lightfoot now /why did nabisco stop making ideal cookies?

why did nabisco stop making ideal cookies?Blog

why did nabisco stop making ideal cookies?

Addicted to Ideal cookies in the 70's . I made my own sandwich and helped my self to an entire package of Ideals. Do we have to wait until the Kraft foods no longer has the patten on the cookies. I still think about them. I am so dissapointed I can't get these for him. "Little Debbie" calls them "Peanut Butter Crunch Bars". Discontinuing them to develop a more profitable product may have made some punk executive a bonus but in doing so the Nabisco brand was greatly diminished. I remember my mom buying these and trying to hide them from my sister and me, but we could find them anywhere! Thank you all! Taste most like the original Ideal than anything I've tried. I've thought about them for years and could not understand why they are no longer available, OMG!!!!!!!!!! We need to all call Nabisco! Wonderful, great combo!! I would weigh 500 lbs more than I do now if they didn't, and willing to pay alot per bag so I'd be broke. It seems like we ought to be able to recreate a recipe - anyone? Sounds like this cookie has a "Cult" followingha! What a great bday present that would be - a package of Ideal Bars!!!! They were the best cookie ever. The cookie took a long time to eat, but it didn't last a long time at the grocery store. I just got home from the store. It's great to hear from consumers who are looking for our products because it lets us know how much you enjoy them. Please bring them back! Why is Oreo banned in USA? I would love to be able to let my children and grandchildren experience such a Treat! This article was updated with minor edits on September 8, 2020. Thanks, Mark. My kids love peanut butter and chocolate, I know they would devour these! Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Wonderful cookies the kids and I loved them then they disappeared! We should start a petition drive to bring them back.. Those fond memories and feeling like a kid again. I am your biggest fan. Bring em back at any cost Nabisco we will pay any ransom. It was one of the best treats she couldve given to us. Cinthia, thanks for tip, it was fun. Never could another cookie compare!! The taste is still on the tip of my tongue. I enjoyed reading everyone's comments - these cookies were the BEST and I can still remember their taste. Maybe we could petition to get them backwho is with me, OMG! I can't go in to the cookie isle without looking for them. We used to get them a lot and they were great. Nothing on the market today even compares. What happened to capitalism? I found this site this morning. The reason these cookies were discontinued was because the chocolate would melt during shipping which caused a quality problem. (Two words: Cheez-It.). The world needs Ideal Bar cookies now more than ever! I miss those doggone ideal bars!!!! I LOVED THEM and MISS THEM. I just saw this Comment Page Today; I Agree with Brenda who wrote earlier this very day, and so many, many others eho commented over the past 12 years, that IDEAL COOKIES were the Absolute Best snack of childhood and beyond, to whenever they stopped being made. I still remember how crazy rich they tasted. We used to buy those cookies and count them out so that everyone got an equal number. I have never tasted anything remotely like the Ideal bars. I am willing to attempt another contact with nabisco whatever will work. While no where as good as the origional Ideal Bars, they are worth it, for a stared population of Ideal cookie fanatics !! I've been to a large number of websites and forums where these are mentioned the most. This news is very sad. It's nice to see so many other people feel the same way I do. A version of this post originally appeared on Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. I thought it was a heat issuenope. There is nothing close to them. Another favorite of mine was TostettesI loved them because they were so moist and full of fruit and had a little sprinkle of sugar on topjust the right amount (cold or hot). Ritz Crackers are a great anytime snack, the perfect complement for quick meals, and a versatile base for tasty party appetizers. These were the BEST cookies EVER!! Wow, I was checking the internet to try to find the recipe for my mom since she said they do not make them anymore. I suggest we all keep contacting them. Very sad when something that evokes such passion is discontinued.. Wow, I thought that I was crazy for still looking for these great dark chocolate covered cookies. Maybe it will be a slow day and they might make a story of these great cookies and all the devote followers craving their return.. Perhaps this way Nabisco might open their eyes. I stated there was only 1 cookie worth remembering and that was IDEAL cookies, It is true, there has never been a better cookie made than those Ideal bars and never will. I keep looking and hoping they will bring them back I absolutely loved them PLEASE PLEASE BRING THEM BACK THEY ARE ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!!!!!!! I think I made a request for Vermont Country Store to find them but never heard anything. I can still see the package,,,,, it was dark brown with a flat orange trim.they were THE BOMB. Ideal. All the comments on this page are only the tip of the iceberg. I google searched "Ideal Cookies". Without a doubt we would find them. I also contacted Kraft and received the same message as Dan in April 2009. Press gently with palm of hand to flatten slightly. From my earliest childhood I remember that distinctive packaging that housed the best cookies ever made. These cookies RULED! Timmy D PGH WE will prevail. "Today just being fat-free is not enough," he said. Is it that difficult for them to reintroduce an item that was truly loved and enjoyed? Nabisco, please bring them back!!! google_color_border = "E7F0EB"; I would love it if the Ideal bars would come back. Oreo Big Stuf was introduced in 1984 and was about 10 times the size of a traditional Oreo. Please, please consider bringing them back!! Hopeful!. Best cookie EVAH! PLEASE BRING THESE BACK, NABISCO!!! Please, please bring them back! I have been trying to remember the name of this candy bar for yearsI was talking to my mother tonight ( 85 years old) and was reminiscing about the clark bar type of cookie I used to crave.the name Ideal name came to my mind..I googled it and Here I am !! would be really neat if they reintroduced the Ideal Bars and one would hope the flavor would be the same if so? Oh yesHow I remember those cookies "Ideal Cookies" they were the best cookie I have every eatenI wish Nabisco would make them again. I also LOVED Ideal Cookie bars. "So . We could not get enough! The biscuit containers and the china scoop to retrieve the biscuits, are prized along with: wood crates carrying the N.B.C./National Biscuit Company label, and early metal tins, store . Dip cookies in the melted dark chocolate and let cool in the freezer. I am emclosing the text of the email. Craft/Nabisco (877)535-5666. Are there any other theories out there? They were expensive in the 70;s and our family had tight money, but we got these. Hands down the #1 cookie of all time. I found this board in 2011. All the other cookies out there except for Pinwheels, Mallowmars and maybe a few others aren't any good; in fact they are terrible compared to Ideal. which are offered at higher prices. I cannot believe there are others out there like my family. Only much bigger Enjoy! There are no substitutes and I have LOOKED. I also searched for them in the past. Please bring them back. Nabisco is not afraid of experimenting with its Oreo flavors. Little Debbie has Peanut Butter Crunch Bars that are very very close to the Ideal Bars. Do your part to make this happenPLEASE!!! How can we all start a united front to get the cookies back on store shelves? We looked so forward to going to the store and getting a couple packs to share. We hid them in the frige and I can still taste the creamy, fresh peanut butter. I used to hate that they came in such a small package, but that is the size package I would kill for now. It reminds me of that great Ideal Peanut Butter Bar Taste. My brother Tate and I have been searching for them for years and I was not aware that they were discontinued. I loved them, too! I continue to hopefully search. There was only one store in our little town that carried them. With so many people wanting them I can't believe Nabisco doesn't bring them back--I'd be first in line for a box. Then he started pre-bagging them for lunch. Oh these were my favorite cookies. I had forgotten about them until the other day when I had a dark chocolate Reese cup. OMFG. We're all demanding the cookie - where is the supply? These were definitely the best cookies. Send a message to Nabisco to bring Ideal bars back. I would bite off one end and submerge it in a glass of ice cold milk, it would absorb the milk and the center would be soft encased in the crunchy chocolate. OMG!My aunt worked for Nabisco for years and brought us samples,damaged,etc.I would kill for Ideal cookies in the orange box :)God Bless Katherine. They were hands down THE BEST cookies EVER made!!!! Still, it was Oreo that, as it approached its 75th anniversary in 1986, inspired The New York Times to write at length about the cookies cultural value. We just blogged the question to the Internet and are so surprised to find a support group. I hope nabisco reads these comments and realizes the disappointment to many famalies with the loss of a simple cookie. At this point I knew I had a problem. And that was the keythe slightly salty peanut butter. The makers of Oreo took the design of a cookie called "Hydrox," and despite it's less-than-appeasing name, it was truly the first chocolate sandwich cookie with creme in the middle. I bet they have trans-fats, but I would make an exception and still eat them. Well do you know I went right back up to that shelf and proceded to eat the rest of them. They get all this old stuff that is hard to find, unfortunately I never heard anything from them. My Mom too kept these hidden as much as possible because we would devour them. Regular stores, specialty stores. My mom would hide ours, too. Please bring this cookie backit's been gone way too long!! Made the call. Maybe I will email Keebler and encourage them to check out this site - for sure there's a demand - so how 'bout they provide the supply - :). I look for IDEAL cookies every time I am at the grocery store hoping to see that Nabisco has reintroduced them. If we get enough attention it will spread like wildfire. As the others have said I can't believe that we all have been craving Ideal Peanut Butter Logs. We DO need them back - no other cookie/candy bar compares! I grew up in the midwest and I beleive Karen is correct above that the Ideal was only available in the fall and winter. He was amazed that I knew what he was asking. Please! The closest thing I found to these are the little Debbie peanut Butter bars that are very simular in shape. Try the frozen treat that inspired Arrested Development's famous banana stand. Ideal bars were the best cookies ever made! Please Nabisco bring them back . WILL YOU PLEASE BRING THEM BACK IF EVEN FOR A SHORT TIME (possibly like the recent "Pepsi Throwback" offering Pepsi did with their original sugar recipe/formula), BUT THEY MUST BE ORIGINAL RECIPE - PLEEEEEESE???!!!!!!!!!!! I concur with every favorable sentiment expressed about these cookies and if someone from Nabisco were to read all of these comments and if a lightbulb were to go on upstairs, they might see the dollar signs written on the wall. Come on Nabisco make my day!!!! They, too, were far superior to ANYTHING available today!!!! I would put them in the fridge. Submit a story or info about Ideal Cookies,